Best tool to pick colors

Choose colors easily with color picker tool

Color Conversion

Shades and Tints

The purpose of this section is to accurately produce tints (pure white added) and shades (pure black added) of your selected color in 10% increments.

Color Combinations

Each harmony has its own mood. Use harmonies to brainstorm color combos that work well together.


A color and its opposite on the color wheel, +180 degrees of hue. High contrast.


A color and two adjacent to its complement, +/-30 degrees of hue from the value opposite the main color. Bold like a straight complement, but more versatile.


Three colors spaced evenly along the color wheel, each 120 degrees of hue apart. Best to allow one color to dominate and use the others as accents.


Colors of the same luminance and saturation with hues that are adjacent on the color wheel, 30 degrees apart. Smooth transitions.


Colors of the same hue with luminance values +/-50%. Subtle and refined.


Two sets of complementary colors, separated by 60 degrees of hue.

Simple to Use
Simple to Use

Color Picker is really simple to use. You just enter the color code and the color will be displayed, or select the color from the color picker and the color codes will be displayed.

Instant Results
Instant Results

Results are displayed soon as you select the color and you don't have to wait for the generation of results.

Cross Platform
Cross Platform

Our website is platform independent. It works on both Window and iOS Operating systems and can be used without any downloads required.

Infinite Combinations
Infinite Combinations

With Color Picker, you can find infinite combinations of colors, with different shades, hues, and tints, suggested complementary and analogous color combinations with their color codes.

Advanced Information
Advanced Information

You don't only get to know the file type, but you also get advanced information like RGB, LAB, LUV values, shades and tints, color combinations and much more.

Absolutely Free
Absolutely Free

You can use our websites as many times as you want and you won't be charged for using our services.

how to image

How to use the Color Picker tool

  1. Drag the cursor to select the color
  2. Select the color of your choice by moving over the colored square
  3. Copy the HEX code and use it wherever you want
  4. Scroll down and you can select different shades and tints of the colors chosen by you.
  5. Click on the required shade/tint to copy the HEX code and use it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hue?

A hue is a a colour variation or gradation; Pale tones are used. The quality of light that determines whether an object's colour is red, blue, green, or yellow in relation to the spectrum. colour: all of the rainbow's hues the shape or appearance

What is the difference between shade and tint?

A shade of color occurs when pure black is added to the color to make it darker. The more pure black you add the darker the color will become. Similarly, a tint occurs when pure white is added to the color to make it lighter. The more white you add the lighter the color will become. Color picker provides you with 10 different shades and tints to suit your requirements.

Can I get the different RGB values in the selected shade with color picker?

Yes, the color picker tells you the exact RGB values of a select hue/color Advanced options like LAB, LUV, LCHAB, CMYK, XYZ and other color codes are also provided by the color picker.

What is triadic?

Three colors spaced evenly along the color wheel, each 120 degrees of hue apart. Best to allow one color to dominate and use the others as accents.

What are Analogous colors?

Colors of the same luminance and saturation with hues that are adjacent on the color wheel, 30 degrees apart. Smooth transitions.

What is split complemantay?

A color and two adjacent to its complement, +/-30 degrees of hue from the value opposite the main color. Bold like a straight complement, but more versatile.

I refreshed the browser by mistake. What do I do?

Since our website does not use any servers and does not store your data, the color code entered by you will not be saved. you will have to reenter the color code or select the color from the color pallete.

What are complementary colors?

A Complement is a color and its opposite on the color wheel, +180 degrees of hue. This is Highly contrasting and goes together very well. The color picker finds you the exact opposite color on the color wheel, with the color code.

Is it safe to use?

Color Picker is 100% safe to use. You can simply copy the color codes suggested by the color picker and paste where you need them. No permission is required to use the website and its ad free!

Will I be charged to use the website?

Our website is absolutely free and you can use it as many times as you want. There are no free trial uses, after which you will have to pay for using our services. We won't charge you anything.

Will I have to create an account to use Color Picker?

Our website does not require you to sign up or create an account. The platform is absolutely free and you can check as many colors as you want.

Does it support both Android and iOS platforms?

Yes, our website works on browser, and therefore supports both iOS and Android platforms.

Which Windows versions does Color Picker support?

Our website is completely web-based and therefore provides cross-platform support. This means that our tool supports all versions of Windows. It not only works on Windows operating system, but can work on any other operating system, that supports a browser.

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